Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Winter Musings~

East Coast Guyz Blogger Group
  All things Photomasculine,
And the times and places
That bring men together.


Winter nights can be quite still...

Some hearty fellows enjoying the season's white~

Now, it's time to warm up indoors~

Let's keep the camera ready~

Take if off and show it off proudly~

Let's see the both of you!~

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Let's Holiday!~

East Coast Guyz Blogger Group
  All things Photomasculine,
And the times and places
That bring men together.


It's getting colder, so...

...Let's take it all indoors for now!~

Let's keep the camera ready~

Take if off an show it off proudly~

Let's see the both of you!~