East Coast Guyz Blogger Group

All things Photomasculine,
And the times and places
That bring men together.
A Great Montage
Manly Men & Vibrant Boys
Simply Being Themselves~
Beefcake, Musclemen, Lovers
Great Ideas for the Model,
Lensman, Hobbyist or Pro~
Lensman, Hobbyist or Pro~
A Great Moment's Break on the Job~

The Perfect Odd Corner for Youthful Fun~
Boy Afterschool Coached by the Senior~
A Happy Rendezvous Captured for the Lens~
A Lad Getting Double Lessons in Manliest Pleasures~

A Lad Getting Double Lessons in Manliest Pleasures~
Integrated Ecstacy~
The Eternal Joy of Youthful Discovery~

Everyday Interiors Take on Inviting Meaning~